Thursday 16 August 2018


Word meanings

hi my name is Jayden and in class we have been doing reading activities i chose vocabulary for mine

Ominous meaning:evil dangerous mischief

Swastika meaning:a figure used as a symbol or an ornament in the Old World and in America since prehistoric times,consisting of a cross with arms of equal length, each arm having a continuation at right angles.
this figure as the official emblem of the Nazi party and the Third Reich.

Sacrilege: the violation or profanation of anything sacred or held sacred.

Leviathan meaning:any huge marine animal, as the whale.

Behemoth meaning: any creature or thing of monstrous size or power.

Amidships meaning: in or toward the center of anything.

Contagious meaning: something that can be spread

Inconsolable meaning:not able to be comforted or consoled disconsolate

1 comment:

  1. Well done putting the meanings up for each word Jayden. Can you remember hearing these words in the book? Next time you could add an image to help us understand them.


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