Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Taupai description

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jayden, Deakyn here from Awahono School. I really like your Tupai description. You really explained what he looked like and what he does. I liked how you described him very well and the shape of his body. I was really amazed when I saw the amount of similes you used in your description too, it was the most I've ever seen in a description. Maybe next time you could read over because I spotted a few mistakes in this post. Here is one mistake I spotted in your description, there was a comma after "steam train" and then when you put your comma in you had a capital "A" on "and". I hope I can visit your blog more and you can sometime visit my blog too. If you want to visit my blog copy this link: http://awahonodeakynh.blogspot.co.nz/
    Kind Regards


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